Tadpole in the spotlight

Tadpole in the spotlight

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Soapy is Pokey

My goodness! It has been a long time since I posted anything.

I have some good news and some bad news. Soapy is still happy and healthy (or so it seems). Though she is taking way more time than Big Bob did to grow her back legs. See for yourself, this picture was taken today.

Very small legs indeed.

Now some explaining. I know those of you who have been keeping a look out on the blog are wondering where are the pics of Big Bob the Frog? Well, this is what happened (I have been a little embarassed and busy that's why it has taken this long). Once he became a frog, he climbed up onto the land and would hide under something. I tried to take some pictures, I thought that some looked okay on the camera and I left him for the night. The next morning I came down and the lid was still off the tank. My cheese almost slipped off my cracker. At first I thought "He can't jump out of the tank, he's too small." So I looked for him, I couldn't see him in his hiding place. I kept looking, then I tore all the grass off the land so I could see better, and still couldn't find him. At this point I began tearing my basement apart looking for him. I moved everything and still had no signs of him. My wife came downstairs and went to get a flashlight. She shined it in the tank for a minute and found Big Bob in a little mud hole. I put the lid back on and proceeded to take several deep breaths.

Anyway I tried to take some more pics and they looked okay on the camera, but after I released Big Bob, when I downloaded them they were terrible, you couldn't tell mud from frog. I have been hoping for Soapy to finish her cycle all summer.

I'll try to stay more on it, and maybe I'll be over for a visit in the next while.

Mr. C

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Big Bob is a Frog!

Big Bob grew front legs in about one day. I was watching pretty closely, because I wanted to get pictures of them as they grew. One day they weren't there, the next KABOOM! there. Then his tail only lasted about two days, then he was out of the water. He is living in the tank, the wet environment has harboured many small insects, and he's doin' fine. He's still a scaredy cat, so I think he will do well in the wild. He is tiny, he could sit on a penny. I will post some more pics later.

We got these tadpoles around June 2nd, they had been hatched at least one week, that's what we'll say (this is very scientific). Big Bob became a frog on about the 15th of July, that means that it took him about 7 weeks to complete the transformation from tadpole to frog.


Monday, July 4, 2011

Big Bob has back legs

Big Bob the largest of our 4 tadpoles has developed back legs large enough to be clearly seen. He is clearly a couple legs ahead of the others.

All 4 of our tadpoles have now adjusted to their new setting. I will continue to post as news happens.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Tiny Tim, Ninja, Soapy, Big Bob

The votes are in and the tadpoles are now christened.

Tiny Tim



Big Bob

Today we will name our 4 tadpoles

We have 4 tapoles that have lasted and will hopefully last until they turn into frogs. They are easily distinguished by their size. We have tiny, small, medium and huge. The huge tadpole has started to sprout legs, however they have not yet emerged out of his skin. Tonight Mr. C will post the tadpoles pics with their names.